Beginner’s Guide to Body Positivity

May 14, 2021


What is body positivity?

Body positivity is the idea that everyone deserves to have a positive body image regardless of size, gender, race, sexual orientation, physical ability, or appearance. The concept also pushes for society's standards of beauty to be challenged. Body positivity has a long history that stretches back to the 1800s and is still adapting to new cultural pressures today.

In your everyday life, body positivity can be anything from accepting your body in spite of its flaws to rolling with any changes to your body as time goes on. Loving yourself and the body you're in now is key!

What is body image?

Body image is based on how a person feels about their body. However, it is important to remember those feelings may not be an accurate depiction of how that person’s body appears. A healthy body image can be a key factor for wellness. Poor body image can lead to other mental health issues such as depression, low self-esteem, and eating disorders. But how do you get in the habit of having a positive body image? The answer might sound simple, but it takes a lot of practice; accept your body as it is and love it for all of the things it can do.

What can you do?

  • Try body neutrality! It's ok to not love everything about your body.
  • Focus on healthy self-care! Experts say a nutritious diet and a healthy amount of exercise can help keep your body and mind strong.
  • Wear clothes that you feel good in with the body you have now! Don't worry about what size you used to wear or may wear in the future.
  • Unfollow any social media accounts that make you feel bad about yourself!
  • Remember that your appearance in no way affects your worth!

Need some more inspiration?

Take a page from the book of these celebs on body positivity!

“I am grateful for my strength and things I can do with my body. I am saying I’m healthy and I accept the way my body is today without changing anything,” said Demi Lovato at the Teen Vogue Summit in 2019.

"I'm all about body positivity and self-love because I believe that we can save the world if we first save ourselves," Lizzo said at a show at the Red Room in Sydney, Australia.

"I need to feel healthy in life and need to take pleasure in food, and I need to not use my body as an exercise of control when I feel out of control in my life," said Taylor Swift in an interview with British Vogue.

"I am worth so much more than a lifetime of obsessing over food, exercise, and weight. I am a beautiful, powerful being, defined by so much beyond how I look, said Matt McGorry in an essay for Human Parts.



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