You can do self-care anywhere but sometimes it’s nice to have a dedicated space for connecting with your body and calming your mind. This space doesn’t have to be large and can be anywhere in your home or bedroom, whatever works best for you. Having a designated safe space can help you process your feelings and learn to self-regulate your emotions.
Whether you call it a Zen Corner, a Meditation Room, or a Quiet Space, having somewhere in your home or bedroom where you can really focus on self-care can be extremely beneficial to your mental health. Here are some ideas for creating your own Self-Care Space!
- Use the self-care activities that you know work for you. Whether that’s reading, listening to music, or meditating, your Self-Care Space should be focused on what eases your stress and anxiety.
- Comfort is important. Add pillows, blankets, or a comfy chair to make your space as comfortable as possible.
- Keep in mind all five of your senses when choosing things for your corner. Add a candle or air freshener with a scent you love. Listen to soothing white noise or your favorite calming music. Hang posters or photos that make you happy. Keep your favorite snacks and beverages on hand. Add drapes to darken the space or position near a window for lots of natural light. Whatever soothes and comforts you!
- A view of the outdoors, a water feature and/or plants in your space can help you use nature to relax and recharge.
- Use different colors to help create different energies in your space! Soft earth tones can be soothing where brighter colors will re-energize your mind.
- Try to make your Self-Care Space a place where you disconnect from technology and practice being mindful of your body and your surroundings.
Have you created a Self-Care Space? What are some of the things you would add to yours? Tell us in the comments below!
Categories: Self-Care Resources