We see eating disorders portrayed all the time in books, TV shows, and movies. Whether it's a serious portrayal or a tasteless joke, eating disorders are all over the content we consume. Though it can be triggering for some, this tells us that it is a common issue. According to the National Eating Disorder Association(NEDA), 20 million women and 10 million men in America will have an eating disorder at some point in their lives.
We often hear about celebrities who have struggled with or are receiving treatment for eating disorders. From Demi Lovato to Zayn Malik, many of our favorite celebs have dealt with these very serious illnesses. But celebs aren't the only ones that struggle with eating disorders. Teens and young adults are just as susceptible to the pressures that society puts on us to look a certain way. Here are just a few facts about eating disorders and the warning signs to watch for:
- Having an eating disorder is NOT a choice. Eating disorders are a biopsychosocial disease which means they are caused by a mixture of biological, genetic, social, and environmental factors that aren’t necessarily the same from person to person.
- While Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa are the most well-known, they are just a couple of examples of eating disorders. Some other examples include Binge Eating Disorder, Orthorexia, Laxative Abuse, Pica (when someone repeatedly eats substances that are not food like paper, hair or dirt), and Compulsive Exercise.
- It is possible to be diagnosed with an eating disorder even if you don't have the exact symptoms of one of the specified disorders. This is diagnosed as "Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorder".
- Many times an eating disorder co-occurs with a major mood disorder such as depression, anxiety, or obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).
- Eating disorders have major health consequences and can be fatal if not treated. In fact, according to NEDA eating disorders have the second-highest death rate of all mental health disorders.
Warning signs
If you or a friend are showing these warning signs, reach out to a trusted adult that can connect you with professional help. You can also chat, call or text the National Eating Disorder Association Helpline. Click here for more information.
- Very focused on weight loss, calories, fat, and dieting
- Restricting categories of food or refusing to eat certain foods, for example, no carbs
- Seems uncomfortable eating around others
- Skipping meals or taking very small portions
- Food rituals such as only eating a certain food type, excessive chewing, or not letting foods touch
- Losing interest in friends or activities
- Obsessive concern with body size, shape, and/or weight
- Noticeable changes in weight, both up and down
- Often feeling cold and having come hands and feet
- Mood swings
- Frequent dieting
Categories: Be A Friend Resources - Self-Care Resources