The holiday season can be filled with fun activities and wonderful memories with our loved ones. On the other hand, it can also be filled with stress and anxiety. This holiday season, we are challenging you to be present, and give hope. Focus on what is best for your mental health and self-care, be open, and remember your boundaries. Here are some ideas to help you take care of yourself during the holidays!
Take Time for Yourself:
If you have a break from school or days off work it may feel like you have nothing but free time, but with all the different holiday events your schedule could fill up fast. Make sure you take time to do something for yourself. Whether it's listening to the latest Taylor Swift album or curling up with a good book, be sure to take the time to do something for yourself.
Set Verbal Boundaries:
We can't always control what topics get discussed at the dinner table. Don’t forget, if something makes you uncomfortable, speak up. Firmly let your loved ones know that you aren't comfortable with that topic of conversation or activity. Here are some examples of phrases to try:
- "I don't feel comfortable discussing that. Let's change the subject!"
- "This activity makes me uncomfortable. I'm going to sit this one out."
- "I don't have to answer that question. Please, change the topic."
- "I need to take a break."
Don't Procrastinate Assignments:
If there are any work or school assignments to be done while you're on a break try to do a little work throughout your break. The stress of trying to finish all of your work at the last minute can cause major anxiety.
Stay Connected:
You may not be in the same city or even state as your friends and loved ones during the holidays but texting, video chats, and even social media can help you feel connected and less isolated.
Make Space for Difficult Feelings:
Not every moment of the holiday season needs to feel joyful. In fact, this time of year can bring up some difficult feelings like loneliness and grief depending on what your year has been like. Remember that all of your feelings are valid, and it’s okay not to be okay. If you need to take a moment outside and away from the celebrations remember that it’s okay too
Be Present:
Try to focus on the here and now. At the holidays it’s easy to dwell on the past and how things have changed or to stress about the upcoming year. Try to focus your mind on this moment in time and be present with your loved ones this season. For some specific grounding techniques to help keep you in the moment checkout this article!
What are your favorite ways to take care of yourself during the holidays? Let us know below in the comments!
Categories: Self-Care Resources