It can look different for every person. For some people it’s a good movie, a face mask, and a bowl of ice cream. For others it could be a good book, maybe a walk around the block listening to your favorite podcast. The best part about self care? There is no wrong answer. The whole idea is that you do an activity that you can enjoy for yourself. Taking time for yourself is not selfish, it is needed to help with your mental health.
- Get a full night’s sleep
- Stretch
- Take a walk around the block
- Play your favorite sport/go to the gym
- Eat something healthy
- Yoga
- Relax on the couch with your favorite book or movie
- Manage your stress
- Do a random act of kindness
- Forgive someone
- Practice emotional maturity
- Set boundaries
- Find your support system
- Unfollow influencers on social media that do not lift you up
- Spend some quality time with a loved one
- Ask for help
- Spend some time alone with yourself
- Meditate
- Take a nature hike
- Write in your journal
Categories: Be A Friend Resources - Self-Care Resources